MC-38 “Mussyubou” 5mm machine stitch

Ideal combination of antimicrobial bogu “Mussyubou” and “Rakuken” kote!
Mussyubou which is strong against the sweat; drying quickly to keep off stickiness, and flexable Rakuken make a good combination for comfortable use, with noble appearance.
Bogu-bag: Black nylon travel bag type.
specs | Mengane: IBB-SD duralumin Ago: Dark-blue leather, tsubushi (flattened) stitch Futon: Woven-stitched cloth Do: Black fiber (pressured pulp) Mune: Leather, tsubushi stitch by hand Kote: “Rakuken" model, Dark-blue cattle suede Palm: Brown buckskin (deerskin) Tare: Woven-stitched cloth, dark-blue leather hemming, 3-tier decoration Mune: #22, #23 or #24 |
price | ¥110,000 |
M-T3 For middle/high school students and adults, 5mm machine diagonal stitch

Our original rhomboid stitch is applied on the bottom of men-buton. Soft, stout and easy to handle. Antimicrobial textile is used on howa so the inside of men is refreshing.
Genuine deer fur padding is in kote head to protect hands from strong attacks of shinai.
Bogu-bag: Black nylon travel bag type
specs | Men: Dark-blue woven-stitched cloth with Clarino rim Mengane: Enforced duralumin Do: Black Yamato (enforced plastic) Mune: Tsubushi stitch by hand, demon cloud pattern Kote: Dark blule Calrino Parm: White Clarino Tare: Woven-stitched cloth, 5-tier decoration |
price | ¥56,000 |
M-04 For middle/high school students and adults, 5mm machine gunome stitch

Surprising good value for the special price!
Easy to handle and looks stylish.
For a broad range of fencers, from middle-school students, beginners to the dan-holders.
Bogu-bag: Black nylon travel bag type
specs | Mengane: Duralumin Ago: Dark-blue cattle skin, tsubushi stitch Futon: Woven-stitched cloth Do: Black fiber do (pressured pulp) Mune: Leather, tsubushi stitch by hand Kote: Dark-blue cattle suede Palm: Brown buckskin Tare: Woven-stitched cloth, dark-blue cattle skin hemming, 4-tier hand-sewn decoration Mune option: #22, #23 or #24 |
price | ¥78,000 |
M-09 For middle, high school students and adults, 5mm machine gunome stitch

Beautiful finish by genuine indigo dye!
Strong against the attacks of shinai and abrasion, with confident appearance.
Bogu-bag: Black nylon travel bag type
specs | Men: Indigo-dyed cattle suede Mengane: IBB-SD duralumin Do: 50 pcs patterned black Yamato (enforced plastic) Mune: Leather, tsubushi stitch by hand Kote: All indigo-dyed cattle suede Palm: Brown buckskin Tare: All indigo-dyed cattle suede, 4-tier hand-stitch decoration Mune option: #15, #18, #22, #23, #24 or #25 |
price | ¥113,000 |
M-850 For general fencers and dan-hoders, 4mm machine diagonal stitch

Mori Budo-gu's arrangement of high-profile diagonal stitch!
The merit is the supple slope and the flexibility of menbuton.
Elaborate decoration called “Bishamon Shokkoh" and the hemp leaf are put on the tsubushi itsume stitch.
Bogu-bag: Black nylon travel bag type
specs | Men: Indigo-dyed cattle suede in diagonal stitch Mengane: IBB titanium Do: 50 pcs patterned black Yamato do (enforced plastic) Mune: Leather, tsubushi stitch by hand Kote: Indigo-dyed cattle suede head Palm: Brown buckskin Tare: Indigo-dyed cattle suede, 5-tier hand-sewn decoration Mune option: #27, #28, #29 or #30 |
price | ¥139,000 |
M-1500 High-class hand-sewn bogu, 1.5 bu gunome

Popular hand-sewn bogu!
With the padding of silk floss and mosen, the bogu is soft and strong against attacks.
Please experience the grace of genuine indigo-dyed buckskin of chibi-kogara (rare fine-textured deer skin).
. Bogu-bag: Black nylon travel bag type
specs | Men: All genuine indigo-dyed buckskin, gunome stitch Mengane: IBB titanium Do: 60pcs, black polished and coated leather Mune: Folded hem Kote: All genuine indigo-dyed buckskin head Palm: Brown buckskin Tare: All genuine indigo-dyed buckskin gunome stitch, 6-tier hand-sewn decoration Mune option: #22, #23, #24, #26, #31 or #32 |
price | ¥420,000 |
M-1200 High-class hand-sewn bogu, 1.2 bu

Popular hand-sewn bogu!
With the padding of silk floss and mosen, the bogu is soft and strong against attacks.
Please experience the grace of genuine indigo-dyed buckskin of chibi kogara (rare fine-texture deer skin).
Bogu-bag: Black nylon travel bag type
specs | Men: All genuine indigo-dyed buckskin Mengane: IBB titanium Do: 60pcs, black polished and coated leather Mune: Folded hem Kote: All genuine indigo-dyed buckskin head Palm: Brown buckskin Tare: All genuine indigo-dyed buckskin, 7-tier hand-sewn decoration Mune option: #22, #23, #24, #26, #31 or #32 |
price | ¥440,000 |
Men MC-38 5mm machine stitch

Antimicrobial, deodorant bogu “Mussyubou”
Mengane: IBB-SD duralumin Ago: Chrome leather Futon: Woven stitched cloth
The deodorant/antimicrobial fiber “Kosumeru” and “Seberisu” are adopted to keep refreshing touch.
Being also strong against the attacks of shinai, this item is optimum choice for the fencer with hard exercise, or allergic constitution.
price | ¥35,000 |
Kote MC-65 3.5mm machine stitch

Antimicrobial, deodorant bogu “Mussyubou”
Buckskin with dark blue yakko (strengthening patch)
Palms: Brown buckskin
The deodorant antimicrobial fiber “Kosumeru” and “Seberisu” are contained.
Kosmeru cloth is endurable, so the inside of kote hardly gets torn.
price | ¥22,000 |